Fabio Vedana

Fabio Vedana

Fabio Vedana is a coach and expert in endurance sports (triathlon, ironman, cycling and ultra-cycling). Besides being the trainer of the Italian and Swiss national triathlon teams, he is also the trainer of a large group of professional athletes and age group (amateur) athletes who are pursuing their athletic dreams. He is further a leading media personality and appears as coach in the reality TV show “The Finisher” and “Triathlon Calling”. He holds a master in Physical Education and Spots Scie

interpretazione dati

Interpreting the data of the cycling computer Part 2

The most advanced devices also provide other extremely sophisticated data which are more difficult to interpret.

The four parameters to establish of the Power Zones

bFTP, sustainable power output threshold, Aerobic Threshold and Anaerobic Threshold.

interpretazione dati

Interpreting the data of the cycling computer Part 1

How to interpret volume, intensity, quality, and cadence?

The authors

  • Barbara Fedrigo

    Barbara Fedrigo

  • Gianluca Melegati

    Gianluca Melegati

  • Fabio Vedana

    Fabio Vedana

  • Loris Perticarini

    Loris Perticarini

  • Sergio Migliorini

    Sergio Migliorini

  • Alessandro Ballan

    Alessandro Ballan

  • Davide Cassani

    Davide Cassani

  • Editorial Board

    Editorial Board

  • Niklas Quetri

    Niklas Quetri

  • Elisabetta Borgia

    Elisabetta Borgia

  • Tatiana Gaudimonte

    Tatiana Gaudimonte

  • Daniel Fontana

    Daniel Fontana

  • Andrea Gabba

    Andrea Gabba