Objectivity means realizing that we are not competing to excel in the professional sphere and to know that what we are doing is not our work. Reasonability is knowing that we are working towards improving ourselves rather than winning.
Two simple words, but they are important for those who practice amateur sports. They are simple but important in ensuring the right approach to challenging yourself, calmly, consciously and healthily.
Objectivity means realizing that we are not competing to excel in the professional sphere and to know that what we are doing is not our work.
Reasonability is knowing that we are working towards improving ourselves rather than winning. Winning and excelling is something reserved for professionals. The activities of amateur athletes must be guided by the pleasure of challenging oneself without losing sight of the other parts of life. Gaining 20 minutes doesn’t make sense if you lose your social life, relationship or job.
So, what should the challenge be? The challenge with yourself, finding a balance between sustainability of training and the time available for what we want to do, optimizing the efforts to reach your goals, creating a way forward, considering a result as something that comes from a journey that takes years and not just one single season.
Let’s not forget about what is and should be the main function of amateur sports, namely wellbeing. Psychophysical wellbeing. Psycho: because we obtain pleasure from challenges, above all with ourselves and also from healthy competition with others. Wellbeing that comes from setting obtainable goals, to work and try to reach them and to be able to say: I’ve done it! Physical: so that we don’t forget that first of all we are human and we put our bodies under continuous daily stress. We have our family life, social life, we work, we train, we race. All these are sources of stress for our bodies and therefore they should be measured and calculated when we want to take on a sport.
Let’s give sport the importance that it needs to have, an instrument of psychological wellbeing and physical wellbeing. Let’s practice sport for the people we get to meet, the experiences and the challenges we take on. And if you like to put yourself to the test, get help from a trainer to challenge yourself more, to improve and find wellbeing in feeling stronger. Not stronger than others but feeling stronger than your limits that sometimes are not just physical.
Let’s think of our daily priorities and put things in the right order while respecting our values. This will ensure that sport is allocated the right space. When have done this, we have seen with objectivity and reasonability what time we should dedicate to this passion. Then the only thing we need to do is to understand who we are (our characteristics) and what our objectives are ... And we can start! A trainer can help indicate us the best way to do this.
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